California Republican Lawmakers Stand with Trump to Investigate High Speed Rail

As Republican legislators in California, we were pleased to hear you announce your investigation of the California High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA)…We owe it to Californians to carefully examine the viability of this project and hold the HSRA accountable for its mismanagement and broken promises. We stand with you in your…

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Trump Wants a Probe into California’s HSR – Says the Budget Overruns Could Have Bought ‘Finest Limousine Service’ for Everyone

State Assemblymember David Tangipa has introduced a bill demanding a detailed financial plan for the Merced-to-Bakersfield segment by 2026. “It looks like they started building the basement before they even finished the plans for the 35th floor on a 100-foot skyscraper. That doesn’t make any sense,” Tangipa said. Read More

Read MoreTrump Wants a Probe into California’s HSR – Says the Budget Overruns Could Have Bought ‘Finest Limousine Service’ for Everyone